Last call for registration is approaching

Thursday, April 28, 2022

There is one week left before the registration deadline expires for this spring's large dairy event in Malmö. There are only 11 seats left, so hurry - even if you can only participate one day.

The Nordic Dairy Congress in Malmö on 18-20 May is approaching the deadline for registration, - 5 May. And you should not think too long if you want to see the large number of international speakers who will focus on a selection of the UN's sustainability goals for inspiration and learning. This includes i.a. panel discussion between the managers from Arla, TINE, Valio, Thise, and Norrmejerier, who will discuss the position of the dairies in a sustainable food chain. There are only 11 vacancies left. The program committee has recently decided that you can participate only one of the days - for the neat sum of 349 euros / day.

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