Latest News
- CEO Annikka Hurme, Valio, Finland
- CEO Kai Gyllström, Arla Foods, Sweden
- CEO Gunnar Hovland, Tine, Norway
- CEO Krister Zackari, Norrmejerier, Sweden
- CEO Poul Johannes Pedersen, Thise Dairy, Denmark
The programme for NDC 2022 is available and the sign up portal is open. The early bird price of 895 € incl. vat will be available until March 15. Hereafter the price will be 995 €.
It is with regret that the organizers behind the Nordic Dairy Congress must announce to further postpone the upcoming congress due to the Corona pandemic.
If you consider signing up to NDC 2022 you have at least five very good reasons to attend:
1) The programme consist sof 32 keynote speeches and presentations covering scientific projects, case studies, research and new knowledge, that will inspire you and bring new opportunities of tomorrow.
2) With more than 40 highly recommended speakers, the programme guarantees a lot of learning and take-aways.
3) Two panel debates between strong business profiles from the dairy industry, organizations as well as the supplier industry.
It is possible to sign up for a sponsorship for The Nordic Dairy Congress 2022. You can choose a silver or a bronze sponsorship which gives you direct access to all the participants at the congress. The expectation is that at least 250 participants from several countries all over the world (majority from NW Europe) will join the congress.
“Dairy opportunities of tomorrow” is the theme and the common thread throughout the programme is a relevant selection of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
We are happy to announce that the 45th Nordic Dairy Congress will be held in Malmö in Sweden from May 27 to May 29 2020 at Malmö Live. The theme will be Dairy opportunities of tomorrow. During the 45th Nordic Dairy Congress there will also be a celebration of the 100 years anniversery of the Nordic Dairy Congress.
All the presentations that we are allowed to publish at our website are now available for download. You can find the code for opening the presentations in your delegate pack - practical information pg. 2.
Photos from the congress can be found in galleries on There are galleries from the various sessions and events. Take a look:)
We welcome you all to three exiting days in Copenhagen. See you soon.