Presentations to download - find in the abstracts for the speeches. Find the code in the hardcopy of the Delegate Pack you received during the Congress.
Direct link to the programme for the Nordic Dairy Congress in 2017 in ISSUU.
Programme - download.
The theme for the congress is ’Adding Value’ and based on this a detailed programme is available. The programme is prepared by The Programme Committee. The committee has elaborated a strong professional and scientific programme.
The Congress is framed as pleanary sessions, paneldebate and parallel sessions where the participants can concentrate on relevant topics.
The programme is based on the consumers seen as drivers of the needs of the dairy industry for development, efficiency and renewal.
The overall programme (click on the blue bottons to get details, abstracts and presentations):
8 June 2017 9.30 – 18.00 (registration from 8.30)
Main speaker: CEO Peder Tuborgh, Arla Foods Amba
Plenary session How do consumer trends add value to the dairy industry?
Session 1
Session 2 |
9 June 2017 9.00 – 16.30
Main speaker: Vice President FC&E Søren Herskind, Chr. Hansen A/S |
Session 3
Session 4 |
Future perspectives and panel discussion Adding value for growth and development in the dairy industry
The mission set forth for the Programme Committee has been to create a programme that:
- Has a high professional and scientific level
- Has a broad appeal to the Dairy Industry and is application-oriented
- Is attentive and adds new relevant knowledge and competences
- Provides knowledge, vision and understanding of the dairy industry
- Creates new initiatives in the dairy industry and among the Congress participants
- Provides a framework that enable the participants to share knowledge and network
- Contributes to a global view and mind-set
The target group is defined to be employees and key persons employed in:
- The dairy industry
- The supplier industry (suppliers to the dairy industry)
- Related industry
- Consulting companies that support the dairy industry
- Universities, dairy schools or research institutions related to the dairy sector
The professional level requires that the participants have an academic/technologist education or skills to meet these levels.
The language of the congress is English